Forget about technical problems - our engineers will take care of everything.
Hardware Direct server service
Hardware Direct offers up to 5 years of its own warranty on sold components and servers, with the option of servicing them on-site at the customer's premises in the NBD (next-business-day) or Mission-critical mode (response time from notification to technician's visit is a maximum of 4 hours ). Our professional server service, which we provide on-site in Warsaw, combined with a large stock of goods and trained technical staff, through whose hands several thousand servers have already passed through and who have solved thousands of hardware-related problems, makes us able to offer the longest service on the market. a guarantee with real stock coverage and a guaranteed response time.
There is no need to convince anyone who is responsible for the IT infrastructure in the company that the reliability of server equipment has a real impact on the company's operations. When something stops working properly, the company's continued operation is at risk. Therefore, the level of service provided by the equipment supplier is crucial. The quality of service, short response time and high availability of components mean that 90% of all our orders are sent to regular, returning customers, which is our greatest satisfaction.
Hardware Direct has developed gradually in response to the needs of our customers. Years of work in the industry and contacts with customers have led us to the conclusion that the biggest gap in the Polish server equipment market is the insufficient quality of service services. Polish branches of Western corporations selling servers use a set of repair procedures, and they do not have the same knowledge about the servers they sell as the manufacturer. The technician of the Polish branch almost never goes beyond the procedure, and in the case of complicated problems, he often suggests replacing the entire equipment. Replacing the hardware itself has its advantages, of course, but it also extends the time needed to restore the system to operation. The replaced equipment must be ordered from central warehouses in Europe, the USA or Asia, and its installation, reconfiguration and restoring backup copies extend the time of service unavailability.
The quality of warranty service is closely related to the capacity of the warehouse on site where servers are serviced. Only with a solid supply base can you provide a warranty for equipment that is covered in reality. In this respect, we operate differently than other brokerage companies that usually operate in single batches of goods. In order to sell them, they provide a warranty for them, but in the event of a failure, it often turns out that these warranties are not covered because the company no longer offers a given server model and can only offer to import the necessary part or refund part of the purchase cost.
W Hardware Direct, gdy sprzęt zostaje raz wprowadzony do sprzedaży, pozostaje w naszej ofercie na długo - a na pewno do momentu wygaśnięcia ostatniego kontraktu serwisowego. Wszystko po to, aby zapewnić realizację usług serwisowych na najwyższym możliwym poziomie i utrzymać naszych stałych klientów. Dzięki tej polityce oferujemy najlepszą gwarancję, nawet do 5-lat, realizowaną wysyłkowo lub na miejscu u klienta.
Na przestrzeni lat wypracowaliśmy własne procedury testowania i recertyfikacji sprzętu, które stale doskonalimy. Dzięki nim jesteśmy pewni sprzętu, który sprzedajemy. Poziom ryzyka uszkodzenia danego podzespołu szacujemy z dużą dokładnością, dzięki czemu Klient ma do wyboru wiele długości i typów gwarancji w zróżnicowanej cenie.
The equipment is recertified as new
In 2016, we sold over 850 complete servers, with only 46 complaints reported in the first year of use (5.4%).
- Most of them concerned disk damage - 22 reports (2.6%)
- Next, there were damages to power supplies - 9 reports (1.0%)
- RAM - 8 reports (0.9%)
- Complaints about the server or motherboard accounted for only - 3 reports (0.4%)
Recertified servers are becoming increasingly popular among our customers.